School uniform

At Acomb First School, we have a school uniform which all children are expected to wear everyday whilst learning. We believe that our uniform is colourful, comfortable and easy to maintain and stands out as something our children are proud to wear each and every day as a child of Acomb First School. It also helps to create a sense of community and belonging. 

Our aims and objectives

Our policy on school uniform is based on the belief that we are pleased to wear a uniform that:

  • Ensure clarity of what can and cannot be worn

  • Promotes a sense of pride in our school

  • Helps to create a sense of community and belonging towards the school

  • Identifies pupils within the school

  • Prevents pupils from wearing ‘fashion clothes’ that could be distracting in class

  • Is practical, smart, and designed with health and safety in mind

  • Is considered to be good value for money and inclusive


Our school uniform consists of the following items and these can be purchased from Salto, any supermarket/shop or free uniform can be found at our PTA uniform swap page on Facebook (search for Acomb School Uniform Swap) :

  • Blue hoodie, blue jumper or blue cardigan (with or without the logo)
  • White/Sky blue polo t-shirt

  • Black/Grey trousers, leggings, jogging bottoms, shorts or skirt, pale blue summer dress.

  • For PE – blue shorts, white t-shirt, tracksuit and sand shoes or trainers 

  • Wentworth kit is optional this academic year
  • Forest School kit (to wear for Forest School on Wednesday/Thursday) – long sleeved top, long trousers, warm jumper / hoody. Waterproof coat and suitable footwear. In winter we will ask for hats and gloves and in summer, sun hats and sun cream.

  • Please bring your child’s PE kit with you on the first day of school. It will be sent home at the end of every half term to be washed.

  • Children should not wear any form of jewellery other than a watch. Studs can be worn but must be removed for PE.

  • Children should not wear any form of hair colouring / dye unless given permission by school staff as part of a charity / celebration event.

  • Children should not wear any forms of makeup or nail varnish to school and extreme haircuts or hairstyles are not allowed.

  • Footwear should be plain, black, flat shoes or all black trainers. 

  • Logo book bags and PE bags can be purchased from SALTO UK.